Friday, August 31, 2018

Medical Data

Not much really to say today.  I am working on sending all of my paperwork over to USC.  More than 150 pages of notes and 11 CD's of images since the end of October.  This seems to be a huge amount of medical data.  If I qualify for this trial, USC will become my primary medical provider but Huntsman will still monitor in the background. 

#cancersucks #fightlikehell


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. Sunday there will be a mountain of people fasting and praying for your doctors and you. The Lord said if you have the faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you could move mountains, Just imagine what the faith this size can do.
    Love you,

  2. Our ward member and extended families are prayring for you Josh, very powerful, and your name will be in the Draper temple by uncle Frank and I'll keep SL going. Doris and Jügen are sending their love for Jenny, you and the family. You will beat this!
    Love you, g-pa and g-ma
