Tuesday, August 28, 2018

CT Scan and Q&A

Just had my CT Scan this morning.  The contrast they make you drink is not very tasty.  The secretaries that give it to you think differently and call it a berry smoothie flavor.  I probably won't get results from this scan until my doctors visit on Thursday.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out.  It is great to know we have many people pulling for us and praying for us.  The prayers are being felt and are appreciated!

If you have questions you would like me to answer, post them in the comments section.  I would love to answer them for you.

Questions people are always asking:

Q1. How do you feel?

A1. I actually feel normal.  If the doctors wouldn't have told me I had a disease, I never would have known.  In fact, I played in a pickleball tournament on Saturday (this has become my new hobby) and I golfed on Monday, living as normal life as I can.

Q2. Are you working?

A2. Yep, I work every day (if that is what you call it).  I am fortunate to have an employer and job that allows me to sneak away without any problems.

Q3. How are you doing financially?

A3. We are doing very well.  The financial impact has been minimal to this point because of our insurance and flexibility of employer.

Q4. What are the next steps in your treatment?

A4. That is what we are trying to figure out.  There are several possibilities which fall into different categories.

Current FDA approved treatments:
Dual immunotherapy called Nivo + Ipi (Nivolumab + Ipilimumab).

The doctor does not want to use these yet.  The toxicity levels could cause some other problems.  Since I am currently healthy we are not ready to go to this extreme yet.

Clinical trials

I am very open to this option for several reasons.  The advances in Melanoma over the last 5 years have been astronomical.  The current trials are ones that have built on the success of previously FDA approved drugs that are helping people beat this disease.  That means these are the latest and greatest of something they are starting to figure out.

IMO-2125 in combination with Ipi  Clinical Trial

GCT1021-01 targeted chemotherapy Clinical Trial

OX40/4-1BB Clinical Trial

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