Monday, March 2, 2020

Follow up Scans from Y90 Treatment

Okay, so today I had a CT scan and a meeting with Dr. Cizman (interventional radiologist).  This was probably the first time that I have received any piece of good news since my diagnosis over 2 years ago.  Basically what he said was that the tumors we have treated on the right side of the liver have shrunk and are now less dense then before.  You will remember that I have heard this before to only have it turn out that it was wrong.  The difference this time is that we are looking at images from a CT scan which are the only images most oncologists rely on.  So this is good news. 

What about the tumors on the left side of the liver they haven't treated.  Well, these tumors continue to grow.  Since we have seen success on the right side of the liver, the doc believes that we should do this treatment on the left side of the liver.  There is some concern on whether or not the insurance company will pay for a second round of Y90.  The doc said he was going to write up a huge long explanation trying to get them to agree to do it again.  This is not a cheap treatment as you can imagine.  If they don't approve it, he has a plan B which his words were to "embolize the crap out of those tumors". 

Y90 is not a cure but is a a way to extend my life which will allow for other curative measures as they become available in the future.  While they don't say how long it can prolong it the information page says that it could be from months to years depending on the case.  So let's hope for years. 

All in all this is the first progression/regression I have seen so that gives us some hope of what the future holds.  But now I have to dread the next 2 Y90 treatments because that recovery is pretty awful.  If it helps though, I am ready for it and will take it head on. 



  1. Keep fighting Josh and my families prayers are with you and your family.

  2. Keep it up, Josh! I'm glad you got some good news. I will keep you in my prayers that the insurance company will cover the treatment so you can move forward. Hugs!

  3. Great news Josh! So happy to hear it!

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