Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2nd Treatment of Y90

The second treatment of Y90 was just as bad as the first.  I did this treatment on February 6th.  Took about a week to recover and then some on again off again stuff that popped up every now and again.  The next step is to have a scan on March 2nd along with a doctors follow up to see if it did any good or not.  The preliminary results seemed promising but I have been down that path before and the CT scan did not confirm the same results.  So I have learned my lesson that the only results I will trust are from a CT.

On another note, I had a member of my ward family pass away today from cancer.  She was diagnosed with lung cancer after my diagnosis and was doing good until this last December.  She started some new treatments that they were hopeful would help but found out in January that it was progressing much more rapidly and she was put on hospice  She was a great lady who gave a lot of love and will be sorely missed.  Prayers go up to her family for some peace and comfort. 

This hits home a little bit for me.  I have been on this journey for over 2 years now and we have just as much hope now as when I was diagnosed that we can beat it.  Cancer is a real and scary disease that can and has taken many lives.  I don't know what the future holds but we are living in the now and enjoy what we have.



  1. Live you and your family. Continuing to pray for your whole family. Cancer DOES SUCK!!

  2. I just found this and I am thankful to know about how you are feeling! I have been thinking of you and your sweet family! We pray for you and we hope so badly that you beat this!! Keep fighting! I am so sorry that you are going through this! I spent the day at Huntsman Hospital today with my friend! Cancer is a tough one for sure!!

  3. Always in our prayers, Josh! You are pretty amazing!

  4. All I have been able to do is pray and pray and pray. Love all of you so much and really hate to see you all going through this. Sending love and prayers.

  5. Estou dando um testemunho sobre o Dr.JAMES, o grande Herbalista, ele tem o
    curar todos os tipos de doenças, ele curou meu câncer de mama, embora
    Eu passei por sites diferentes. Vi testemunhos diferentes sobre
    Dr. James curando as pessoas de câncer de mama, então eu me perguntei por que as pessoas ainda sofrem com isso?
    então decidi entrar em contato com drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com, não acreditava nele
    muito, eu só queria experimentá-lo, ele respondeu meu e-mail e precisava
    algumas informações sobre mim, então eu enviei para ele, ele preparou
    (CURE) e o enviou ao Airfreight Online Courier Service para entrega,
    ele deu meus detalhes ao Courier Office, eles me disseram que 3-5 dias
    Vou receber o pacote e tomei o remédio como prescrito por ele (MANHÃ E NOITE)
    e fui fazer um check-up 1 semana depois que terminei o medicamento, eu estava
    teste negativo, se você é um paciente com câncer de mama ou está sofrendo de algum tipo de doença como efeitos no reto, danos no intestino, obstrução intestinal, doença do ovário, câncer, hipotireoidismo, herpes, DPOC, HIV, artrite, doença de Lyme, HPV, infecções no fígado Doença, Doenças Auto-Imunes, Doença de Parkinson, Lúpus, Nefrologia e Hipertensão, Neurologia, Obstetrícia, Ginecologia e Saúde da Mulher, Oncologia, Pediatria, Pneumologia, Mielofibrose Aguda, Sintomas de Alzheimer, CÂNCER DE MAMA, DIABETES, PERDA DE CABELO, TRATAMENTO DE CABELO, TRATAMENTO LEUCEMIA, LEUCEMIA MIELÓIDE, TRATAMENTO DE CÉLULAS-TRONCO. .. entre em contato com o Dr. James via: (drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com) ou envie uma mensagem para ele no whatsapp +2548152855846
