Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Our Trip To Los Angeles

Where to begin.  We left on Tuesday morning and we were scheduled to fly into Long Beach.  Our flight was delayed two and a half hours.  This would have left very little time to get to the doctors appointment at USC with Dr. In that afternoon.  We were fortunate because there was a flight going into LAX that left about 20 minutes after we were originally scheduled to leave and were able to get on that flight.  Our rental car was prepaid out of Long Beach so when we landed we jumped on an Uber (first experience) to get ourselves to Long Beach.  Once we got there we grabbed some lunch at the Brewery in the hotel then off to the appointment. 

The USC Norris Cancer Center is not as nice as Huntsman is.  It has more of a hospital feel than Huntsman.  Dr. In was great.  He explained some things to us that we hadn't heard before and helped us to understand the different drugs and how they interact with my immune system and their purpose. 

He felt and explained that the cancer started somewhere on my skin.  The reason it is no longer there is my immune system most likely recognized it and took care of it.  Which says that my immune system has the capability of beating this disease.  He also said that it is very slow growing because of my immune system.  Basically he feels that my immune system is doing 80% of the work and that we need to find something to help give it that extra boost so that it can finish off the remaining 20% of the disease. 

Dr. In explained a whole bunch about how our immune systems work.  Talking about T-Cells, helper T-cells and killer T-cells.  Immunotherapy is designed to bolster these cells to help identify and kill the cancer.  I have been on one type of therapy which is a PD-1 type drug which strengthens one of these cells.  There is another type, that I have not been on, which is a CLT4A drug which helps a different cell and then there is this IMO-2125 which works in combiniation with the CLT4A to bolster multiple cells.  The key with the IMO drug is that it gets injected directly into the existing tumor/disease.  He said that seems to be key in this drug working as well as it has been. 

We had never had this level of explanation given to us.  It was great for us to better understand some of these things.  He was also extremely optimistic about being able to beat this disease.  He felt, like I said earlier, that my immune system is currently doing a decent job but needs a little help to finish it off.  We are optimistic that this trial is what needs to be done to finish it off.  If not, there are still many other things to try.  There is a dual therapy of Opdivo and Yervoy as well as TIL Therapy (read more about it here).  When it comes to melanoma Chemo really is not an option because it doesn't work.  There are also many other trials available to try. 

After my doctors visit Jen and I headed to the LA temple where we did a bunch of sealings.  This was a great experience for my wife and I.  I always feel a comfort being in the temple and continue to get reassuring feelings that this is just a trial that we will over come and grow from.  I am going to be here for a very long time and am going to beat this disease.  Thanks for all your support!!!  Life is good, I feel great and we are happy and hopeful.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers but when we talk in person be happy and optimistic with us.  Have the faith and help to reassure us that we can beat this together.

#cancersucks #fightlikehell


  1. Sending prayers para sa imo josh....

  2. I have goosebumps everywhere from reading this! I love that they are so optimistic and that there is so much out there to help you overcome this! What wonderful news, Josh! You will stay in our prayers!
