Monday, February 11, 2019

Sarcoma Meeting

So I met with the Sarcoma doctor today.  Dr. Chalmers was her name.  The treatment for sarcoma is a year of chemo therapy.  Based on what she has seen and all the details she has she doesn't believe that it is Sarcoma.  There are some specific markers for sarcoma but my initial tissue samples did not test positive for these and my secondary tissue samples did not test positive for them either.  Sarcoma is a cancer that is typically found in the soft tissue.  In legs, arms or other places of the body.  This is not acting like a sarcoma at all.  They said sometimes Melanoma can mutate a little when it goes from one organ to the next and look a little different.  This is acting a lot like melanoma.  The path going forward is to treat it as if it was melanoma.  We are going to do a full body PET CT scan just to check some other areas.  They are also going to do some testing for some very rare mutations of sarcoma.  In the meantime I think we are going to do so local treatment.  This means they are going to cutoff the blood flow to one of the tumor to see if we can prevent it from growing more.  This is done by a radiation oncologist and is considered radiation therapy.

I have been feeling pretty good.  My stomach gets a little upset every now and then.  We are still extremely hopefully and optimistic about the outcome.  We love the support we get from everyone.   The little packages left on our doorstep and notes every now and again brighten the day.  The prayers and thoughts are always felt.    We are always overcome with the love we are shown.

#cancersuck #fightlikehell


  1. Dang Josh, prayers that they will get a definite diagnoses so they can treat it head on the way it needs to be done! We love you guys and think about you all the time!

  2. You know that I'm not very religious over here. but you are often in my thoughts! I wish you the best! that you have the strength to endure! Greetings from Germany sends you Olli
