I have just started the second round of this treatment. A round is Infusion and then injection the first week, the second week is just an injection and the third week is a break. Yesterday I started the second round. Jen and I were at Huntsman from 7:00 am until about 7:00 pm. They had a fire alarm go off which caused some delays and excitement but most of the time was waiting around for specific blood draws for the trial.
Every time I have an injection they start by measuring the tumor they are injecting with Ultrasound. During the first round they had said something about the tumor they were injecting not being as visible in the Ultrasound. They thought this was due to inflammation in the tumor itself because of the injections and didn't think anything of it. Yesterday when they did the ultrasound they could barely see the tumor they were injecting at all. It hasn't shrunk any but was just very difficult to see. They have typically done the injection into the liver via ultrasound. Yesterday because of how difficult it was to see they decided to do it with ct guidance. It is a much better image and more detailed. When they did this, they were able to look at the 3 different tumors that are in my liver. The comment the doctor made was that prior to this treatment my 4 year old could have picked these tumors out. Now it is impossible for an untrained eye to see them. Even thought they are only injecting the one tumor it seems to be affecting all of the tumors which is what they were hoping for. These tumors have started to become "mushy".
Now we really don't know what this means. We know the tumors are still there but something with them is changing. It has almost been 2 years since this journey began and this truly is the first sign of hope that I feel like I have been given from the doctors and treatments. The excitement you see in the doctors faces and in some of their mannerisms is fun. It's almost like a kid in a candy store some of the excitement I have seen.
I really try not to get too high or too low with any news. I am trying to keep this in perspective, knowing that it might be an anomaly and doesn't mean that this is working. We will just keep praying and hoping that it isn't an anomaly and it is the beginning of a great change.
We really do appreciate all the support, love, prayers, fasting and everything else that has been done for us. You all are truly amazing.
#cancersucks #fightlikehell